
Would you like to try some?

I had a small party with my friends in my flat this evening. I made them all by myself!!
I cooked potato, chicken, bean sprouts, and mizuna (water greens, vegetable from Kyoto).
All ingredients are low-fat and low-cal foods:D

4 件のコメント:

  1. Looks good. I would like to try some very much. Do you deliver?

  2. Well, I'm afraid not. I can't deliver because I don't have a car:(
    But I can cook anytime if we have a party at Kendai:)!!

    And happy new year!!
    Hope your New Year is a great one.

  3. I am glad to see that someone is putting all of those Daily Yomiuris to good use. ;^)

  4. Also, it's good for wrapping up garbage. Very useful!
